Public Participation at Full Council Meetings
What is a full council meeting
It is a public meeting and not a meeting of the public.
Query about an agenda item but can't attend
Email your query to the Parish Manager who will arrange for a councillor to represent your comments -
Who can attend
All Council meetings are open meetings, members of the public and press are able to attend and ask a question regarding agenda items.
How to attend
Register and include any questions or comments regarding agenda items by 9am the day of the meeting date, email or click here. Please ensure you list:
Your name
Your email / phone contact details,
Your question or comments you wish to make and the agenda item it relates to OR
That you wish simply to observe
Once registered you will receive the joining instructions for the meeting.
Read our Public Participation Policy
Recording of Council Meetings
Government regulations allow members of the public and press to record public meetings of the Council.
Submitting Questions
What is the deadline for questions
If you provide questions by 9am of the meeting date, council will endeavour to answer your questions at the meeting. If we are unable to answer the question, we will reply and after the meeting and include your question and answer in additional information.
Please note: Members of the public may make representations about items on the agenda only.
How long do you get
The number of questions and topics to be covered will dictate the amount of time available, for public questions. The normal time to be allowed per question is 3 minutes.
Raising a question about a subject not on the agenda
Please send your questions or comments to the Chair or Parish Manager, who will arrange to have your comments reviewed and an answer provided as appropriate.
Register your interest
The public is able to observe and partake in these meetings, you will need to register with the Parish Manager in advance of the meeting using the form.
Due to space limitations, Public are advised to register their physical attendance and space will be allocated on a 'first come first served basis'.
Public are encouraged to send in their questions by 9am the day of the meeting date. For Terms of Reference for each committee click on the relevant 'More Info' button.