Flooding in Milton Keynes
Posted on 25th September 2024 at 14:15
Like many areas nationally, Milton Keynes has experienced significant rainfall recently. More heavy rain is forecast and Milton Keynes City Council recently shared this information:
Real time updates will also be posted on the MKCC social media channels on Facebook and X (Twitter).
Highways have had to close several roads which were impassable as well as cancel normal maintenance works on Monday and Tuesday as crews attended callouts and most highways works cannot be carried out in poor weather conditions.

For anyone who may be involved in an incident and believe they may be in danger always telephone 999 to request the appropriate emergency assistance.
If not in danger but may be affected indirectly, the advice is to GO IN, STAY IN, TUNE IN.
Although MKCC will do all they can to assist, please note that it is the responsibility of owners and occupiers to protect their property in the event of flooding. Milton Keynes City Council do not hold unlimited supplies of key items such as water pumps or sandbags.
What to do in a flood emergency
• Use this handy five-step guide to help you in the event of a flood emergency
• Find out about Flood Alerts for your area
• Look at the Environment Agency guidance on how to prepare for a flood, where to go for help during and after flooding, find out if you are at risk, improve the protection of your property and get advice about insurance.
Reporting flooding
If your property is in imminent danger of flooding, please call Milton Keynes City Council Customer Services 01908 252353. Their phone lines are open from 09:00 - 5:15 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and 10:00 - 5:15 on Wednesdays. Out of hours emergency telephone: 01908 226699.
If you need to report a blocked drain or waterway please use MKCC's Highways drainage report it form
There's also useful information on Flood and Water Management or Road gullies and Flooding on the MKCC website.
• Register to receive Flood Warnings direct to your mobile phone or email from GOV.UK
• Check the Met Office website for flood warnings
• If you live in an area at risk of flooding you can create a personal flood plan to help prepare yourself in the eventuality that a flood should occur
• Check the National Flood Forum advice and information on all aspects of flooding
• You may be interested to learn how local flood defences are managed by the Parks Trust
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