Dog Poo & Bins
A clean neighbourhood? We all want it. We can all help to achieve it.
Bag it, bin it, take it home
Dog Waste & The Law

A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) has been brought in across the whole of the Milton Keynes Borough to make it illegal to fail to pick up after a dog, under your control, that has fouled in a public place.
If you don't clear up after your dog, you may be issued with a fixed penalty notice. If you don’t pay the fixed penalty, you could be faced with being taken to Court, where you could pay a fine of up to £1,000.
Dog Owner's Responsibility

Don’t leave it.
Don’t throw it, that’s littering.
Don’t leave it on top of the bin or on the floor, that’s littering.
There is no Poo Fairy.
Dog poo is toxic, it doesn’t wash away, ask any parent whose kid has stepped in it. It can take over a year for poo to breakdown.
How many bins are there

GLPC provides a limited number of bins in strategic dog walking places.
MKCC provides a very limited number of black litter bins. These can be used if the poo is double bagged.
Canal and River Trust have recently removed 3 bins from our parish. GLPC is currently looking for grant funding to replace and increase bins in high traffic areas
Click on the link to find the Google map showing the location of all the bins
Why place the bins there

Bins are located at prime dog walking spots and the GLPC Policy is to reduce the amount of dog fouling and dog waste bag littering in our Parish area by providing an effective network of bins to receive dog waste in popular dog walking areas and dog fouling hot spots. We will ensure they are emptied and serviced regularly
By providing an effective network of bins in popular dog walking areas and dog fouling hotspots, we hope to reduce the amount of dog fouling and dog waste bag littering in our parish.
To put bins in every area would be expensive but as the average dog walk is only 45 minutes, the map should help you find the nearest bin – black red or green!
If the bins are full, don't leave it on top

Basically this is littering – so take it to the next bin or take it home – it is your responsibility not GLPC's, MKC's or the rest of the community – do the right thing.
GLPC's other policy is to maintain an effective enforcement service and make full use of current controls, such as CCTV or the Enforcement Officer and resident intel to ensure that dog fouling and waste bag littering is effectively controlled.
If you know the hot spots or anti social people – please let us know – ring us or email us - in the past good community intel has landed people with fines and hopefully the realisation that they need to do the right thing.
I hate carrying smelly poo about!

Buy good quality, bio-degradable poo bags – the Parish Office sells them if you need some.
Buy a “dicky bag". You can clip this to your belt or dog lead. They store dog poo bags, both full and empty.