Election Process to become a Parish Councillor 

Parish councillors are elected by the public and serve four-year terms. Following elections, councils appoint a chair, or town mayor in town councils. 
Parish councillors were unpaid positions until 2004 when allowance schemes were introduced to encourage more people to stand. 
Allowances, which tend not to be very large are at the discretion of the individual councils and they often choose to maintain a strictly unpaid status. 
The Nomination and Election process are detailed below. 

The Election Procedure 

Elections are held every four years. All councillors will stand down in 2023. The nomination process for anyone wishing to stand as a parish councillor commences in February. Please click here for further information. A nomination form can be found by clicking here. 

Mid-term vacancies 

If a seat becomes vacant mid-term (or if there are not enough candidates to fill all council seats at election time) the council will hold a by-election. In certain circumstances the council may then co-opt members to the council. Click here for the co-option policy, elegibility and co-option form. 
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For further details or to arrange to meet for an informal chat about becoming a parish councillor, please contact Eirwen Tagg, Parish Manager at 
parish.manager@great-linford.gov.uk or telephone 01908 606613.