Official Documents
There is a lot of information used in the world of parish councils. Some information is required by legislation and some of the information will help residents understand what the Parish Council has to do. The information has been categorised into the headings: Finance and Transparency, Operational Information, Councillor & Staff, Planning and the Complaints procedures. More information and policies can be found by clicking on the different headings.
The Parish Council is funded through a precept/tax and the income raised
through its facilities and services. Milton Keynes City Council collect the precept on behalf of GLPC. GLPC sets is annual budget between September and December for the following financial year.
The council will also review the expenditure required to manage its assets (asset maintenance) over the long term and its medium term forecast finance plan. This allows it to manage and maintain its reserves at an appropriate level.
The financial Year begins on 1 st April and goes on to 31 st March. An independent internal Auditor will review the internal controls twice a year and report their findings to the Council. An external Audit reviews the approved annual accounts between June and September.
The Annual return provides the electors with a view of the accounting and
governance statements as approved or noted by the auditors.
GLPC publishes other information for residents to understand how it manages
the community business transactions and its own regulation. These will include:
1. Grants awarded to groups.
2. Land and assets
3. Model Publication Freedom of Information Model
4. Contract details
These are the policies and procedures as agreed by Council that help GLPC to manage its services and facilities. Click Here
Councillors & Staff
These are some of the polices and procedures that are agreed by Council that assist Cllrs and Staff to carry out their duties. Click Here
Current Tenders
GLPC is looking for a contractor to carry out work for two of it's facilities. Please review tender specifications. Click here.
Register your interest by emailing
Once you registered your interest a secure link will be sent to upload your proposal.
At Great Linford Parish Council, we take every complaint seriously and strive to address them promptly, fully, and effectively and we see them as an opportunity to learn and adapt. We aim to foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and active communication with the community.
Complaints about the services provided by GLPC can be made as per the Complaints Procedure.

For further details or to arrange to meet for an informal chat, please contact us at or telephone 01908 606613.