Orchard (Downs Barn) 

Loriner Place, Downs Barn 
In 2005, a derelict smallholding plot at the corner of Overstreet and Dansteed Way was transferred to the Parish Council for development for local amenity use. We turned this neglected site into a small community orchard, containing in excess of 50 fruit trees and a herb garden. The herb garden was originally built and maintained by the Allotment Association, this is now cared for by the Parish Council. 
Being a community space, this is for everyone to enjoy and pick the fruit and herbs in season. The fruit should not be picked and thrown for dogs, nor the trees used to train dogs to attack, although dogs are welcome in the field with responsible owners who pick up their poop. A dog bin is located on the redway adjacent to the orchard. 
The Orchard appears on the Milton Keynes Natural History Society's website along with "everything to do with wildlife"