Grants to the Community
Great Linford Parish Council reserves a sum of money annually to support voluntary and community groups (not for profit)
that provide a service, initiative or opportunity that benefits the residents of the Parish.
Policy Statement
1. Grants will be available to organisations that can demonstrate a need for assistance to deliver activities or services that can be shown to benefit residents.
2. Grant applications will be reviewed in April and September at one of the Full Council Meetings.
3. Emergency grant requests would be brought to the Council as and when they arise BUT they need to comply with the grant criteria.
Eligibility for Applications
Applications will only be considered from voluntary organisations, registered charities or established community, not for profit groups. New starter organisations will be considered.
All applicants must:
provide a fully completed application form
provide up to date set of accounts or supporting bank statements for the current period
provide evidence of how the grant will have positive outcomes for parish residents
demonstrate that the activity or service is within the parish
provide information of any additional funding internally or from other organisations
attend the parish council meeting where the applications is to be discussed to give a short presentation and answer any questions from council, the answers will be used to inform the council’s decision.
provide the organisations constitution if one is available or a statement of the organisation's objective/purpose
provide any additional evidence that the organisations considers will support their application
Applicant groups or the activity/service/project must be based in the Parish, but the applicant may have residence anywhere within the Milton Keynes Borough.
Applications must provide evidence of the project’s completion
Grants will be awarded to a maximum of £1,500 the common award will be £500
Applications will not be considered for:
individuals, charities operating overseas, or funds established to help people overseas,
day to day operational running costs including salaries,
retrospective funding,
political activities,
any group that has a closed membership or whose grant is to be used for an activity that bars certain people,
discriminatory on the grounds of race, age, gender, disability or religion,
for an activity that might cause offence or distress to parishioners,
repayment of loans or cost of servicing a loan or grant,
activities or services that are the clear responsibility of another public body or agency, but “match” funding maybe considered,
for support to a national organisation who would in turn distribute the monies outside of the parish area,
this list is the basic considerations BUT council may use its own discretion to refuse an application outside of these terms
Applications and supporting evidence must be sent to at least 10 days before the appropriate meeting (ie 10 days before last Wednesay in April or September). Grants are assessed by the Community Liaison Officer, they will be rejected if they do not comply with the criteria. If they comply, they will appear as an item at the appropriate Council meeting.
A confirmation email will be sent to applicants to notify:
If the application is within the criteria, applicants will be invited to the appropriate Council meeting to give a 3 minute presentation
Their application requires additional information
Their application has been unsuccessful
Grants put forward will be reviewed against the criteria, but council will also consider:
If the application complies with equality, social inclusions and community cohesions principles.
If the application reflects some or all of the aims and objectives of the parish councils’ strategic vision. (available on the GLPC website).
Applicants will be notified after the meeting at which the application is discussed. Funding will be released immediately by BACS transfer provided all details are available provided that all conditions have been met.
After awarding the grant:
The monies must be spent within the calendar year unless otherwise agreed.
GLPC reserves the right to see receipts and evidence of expenditure.
A report, photographs of the event or purchase is required to demonstrate how the money was spent.
The grant will be expected to be returned if the project is not completed within 12 months.
Grants need to be paid into the organisations bank account they will not be paid to an individual.
There is no restriction on the number of times an organisations may apply for grant funding however priority will be given to first time applicants who meet the grant criteria.
If there is a change of purpose the organisation must gain approval from the council.