Little Free Library 

"Finding books that they enjoy, giving them access to those books and letting them read them," is what Neil Gaiman recommends to teach children how to read for pleasure. The Little Free Librarys located around the Parish subscribe to this ethos. The aim of the libraries is to grow the reading culture and community spirit. Take a book to read, share it, return it or give a book. 
The community take care of library stock. The exchanges are open 24 hours a day. Please only donate a few books at a time, these are not places to bring books en masse.  
If you spot an issue with any of the book exchanges, please email Thank you and Happy Reading! 
Downhead Park 
Downs Barn 
Situated at the Friendship Park on Conniburrow Boulevard. Designed by Stewart Olney. 
Situated with the sheep sculptures within Cornbury Crescent. Designed by Stewart Olney. 
Situated at the Community Orchard at the end of Loriner Place. Designed by Ian Foskett. 
Great Linford 
High Street 
Great Linford 
Neath Hill 
Situated on the High Street, Great Linford. Created by David Argent, Cllr. Burgess, Mark Barraclough 
Situated outside Great Linford Community Hub at the Local Centre. Designed by Stewart Olney. 
Situated to the left of the play area off Serjeants Green. Designed by Arlo, made by Ian Foskett.