Spring is in the air and the next phase of a project to improve the play area and Memorial Gardens in Neath Hill is about to start. 
The Project So Far 
The play area and memorial garden area project commenced in 2019 to improve the play area and surrounding open space. 
In 2021 and 2022, improvements to the play area were completed and a sculpture was installed. In the Summer of 2022, the area was transformed when vibrant murals were painted on the walled sides of the memorial gardens by MK College students, to make the area bright, fun, and inviting. 
Neath Hill Murals
Neath Hill Murals
What’s Next 
Now the focus has turned to the memorial garden area, with the plan to create a relaxing area for residents to connect with nature. The area is to be transformed with shrubs, herbs, and wildflowers. 
Importance of Wildflowers 
It has been widely reported that there has been a drastic loss of 97% of UK wildflower meadows in recent years, leading to a subsequent decline in biodiversity. 
Benefits of Wildflowers 
• connect people with the natural world 
• enable individuals and communities to actively increase biodiversity 
• transform underused spaces into vibrant living landscapes 
• help pollinators that are currently under threat 
• contribute to pride of place 
• provide opportunities to learn about nature and biodiversity 
Hold The Date - Community Planting Day 
memorial gardens planting day
Join us for a day of planting and making a positive difference in our neighbourhood. By working together, we can create a vibrant and welcoming environment for everyone to enjoy. 
There will be four sessions where we welcome volunteers to help with planting.  
Event Details: 
Date: Saturday, April 13th 
Time: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM 
Location: Neath Hill Memorial Garden 
Volunteers of all ages and gardening abilities are welcome! 
Please bring gardening gloves and any gardening tools you may have. Refreshments will be provided. 
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